Way Out West June 2011

by admin on June 27, 2011 in Reports with No Comments

Craig wrote:

Quick leaders report from the blat out west. Up at the crack of dawn lok out the window and cloud all over. Ever the optimist I am thinking it will burn off nice and early, so suit up , boot up and off we go to meet up with David at BMW HQ for our droning trip down the M4 to the RZ.

As we enter into the last mile or so before the services the vista opens out – or doesn’t as it is blanketed in cloud. So as I topped up at the services, David and I were trading -where the feck did that cloud come from – that isn’t in the script.

Anywho’s Callum arrived nice and early and we decided to set of through the route I had in my head. As we hit the wantage road the mist hits and what an experience, keeping the pace up as I am continually wipping the goggles clear of water is not an experience I want to go through again. So that road dispatched and on to the next stretch. What can I say, I stopped 12 miles into the next stretch to regain my composure and let the adrenaline high fade – what a piece of gods own tarmac – and apologies to the campers sleeping by the side of the road as we made progress through the early sunday morning hours. That wonderful piece of tarmac slain it was on to the next stage. It is more sweeping corners and open vistas and with each mile dispatched with glee, the kinks and twists catching the unwary, if the cloud had let up, the view as the road opens up is fantastic and invites you to test yourself agains fate and chance.

We eventually stop for a natural break, before the home stretch. And then try a few of the local roads before our last pit stop and goodbye as we split off for your respective homes.

Out at 5.50, back at 9.08 – what a fantastic way to start a Sunday.

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