‘G’ is keen to get back to the Chalet……

by admin on November 01, 2012 in Reports with No Comments

what a brilliant morning :D

i met roger in the pits for a petroleum top up,
and off we set for newlands arriving about 10 mins.
early but joined very soon by Phil ( good to meet you Phil)
who , after owning his car for just a couple of weeks ,
is out with skcc wearing out the tarmac already…good man,
we were soon joined by Andy , Luke and Steve,
Mr. mango phoned to say he was late and would meet
down the road a ways, but Phil had a tech. fault….
his nipple fell off !!!!
well the one on the carb end of the throttle cable actually,
so an old favourite was tried, the 5amp electrical connector,
but that failed and Phil & Mr. mango,
who had arrived as we were late leaving,
managed to refit the original and we were back on the road,
clearish roads for the most part , if a little slippy here n there,
somewhere along the way we managed to lose Steve…..
we know not where…..sorry Steve, when we stopped for a “tony break”
i called Steve to find he was on a merry blat of his own having lost contact
with the main bunch.
with sat navs directing the groups on varying routes a bit of fun was had by waving to some as they went in the opposite direction :roll:
still we all ended up at the chalet for a good feed,
at the chalet we met up with tony b, Kenton, tony c & Russ
who having had a feed & a warm up were just on their way out.

a great day in the sun
thanks to all
till next time

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