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New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:54 pm
by Red27
Hello all,

My name's Linda Monk and I'm the proud owner of a newly built Tiger Avon, courtesy of Tiger themselves. Yeah, I know, it's cheating, but I freely admit I ain't smart enough to do it myself, even if I had the time and space. The reference to being foreign is because I live in Peterborough, although in spirit I'm a southerner having lived in Romford for the first 3 1/2 decades of my life. Still get a nose bleed every time I head home up the A1. However having recently found this site, and seen that you don't appear to discriminate against us "northerners" too much, I thought I'd sign up - seeing as how my car seems to have done so already by itself!

If you've checked out Adam Wilkins' photos from the East Anglian Tiger Owners Club's derbyshire run, that's my car he's behind in the one going through the Winatts Pass. It's also starred on the link posted by Giles Cooper to some photos taken by an interested bystander in the car park at Bakewell, on the same trip. It's kind of bright (Gulf strip ostensibly) and certainly stands out amongst the EATOC posse, although I notice it isn't dissimilar to one Mr Greenwood's Tiger. Does that get me any kudos?

I see that you do venture into this part of the country from time to time, so I will keep any eye out for road trips that could be feasible for me to join - like I need any excuse to get in my car. Had it 7 weeks and already I've used up half my alloted mileage on my insurance.... Will be ringing them soon to revise that upwards somewhat. Since getting my Tiger, I've changed my perspective on a lot of things. Camping's never really been my thing ( :o - understatement). However, I'm considering it, so if I get my head around it, hooking up with you for your road trip to Stoneleigh next year could be an option.


Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:11 pm
by Ben_Copeland
Hello Linda, Peterborough's not so northern so your safe. Its many Neil (Nash) that gets the discrimination anyway as he's a proper northerner thats escaped to the south.

Your welcome on any trips out and will always be warmly welcomed by the rest of the people on here.

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:22 pm
by daxmatt
Welcome,,camping's not my thing either,and still is'nt

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:55 pm
by Contaminated
Welcome Linda - and may I say that your car is pretty much the perfect shade of Blue ;)

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:50 pm
by Nogoingback
Welcome Tiger.

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:41 pm
by zxr400
hi linda,welcome to the club,i was hatched in peterbough so feel at home with us motly bunch of petrol heads,nice to have a girl in the club ,you beter take the penelope pit stop name instead of me :lol: :lol: paul

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:43 pm
by greenwoo
err Dan, you're eyesight must be bang on to tell the shade of blue from an ickle lickle piccie :-)
Welcome Linda, we do indeed pop to the other side of the water from time to time, although not as far as Peterborough feel free to suggest a run ( thats what the members section is for ) or nip down this way and join us. The Road Trip and the Camping that was originally associated with it has been hijacked in favour of B+B's, so no excuse not to join in !
In that vein, if you have any suggestions for rroads that really out to be driven in your neck of the woods please let me know by PM so that i can add them to out little map ( and for the purposes of teh trip perhaps you'll warn us of any that should be avoided like the plague ).
Oh, and another Gulf liveried car would be welcome on any runs, it would give me a chance to shift the blame for any indiscretions on my part - in fact thinking of spraying it black over Winter, far easier to apportion blame to some other soul.

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:15 pm
by Tony B
Welcome Linda and hope you can join us for next years road trip (or other runs before), just make sure if you do you dont end up towards the front otherwise you'll get the flack when we end up going down some deserted farm track at the expense of the said Mr Greenwoods itinery planning!!

Anyway, hope to see you soon

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:47 pm
by Nash
Linda, Linda, Linda its good that ypu want to be classed as one of Gods own by suggesting you are from the north but Peterbourgh isn't north. In fact its not even close.

So in that vein you are southern and therefore not only entitled but actively encouraged to get out on a run.

Now we have cleared that up let me say welcome and as Mark said earlier if you have any good road, eatery or point of interest them you can also PM me and i to can get the info on the map.

Once again welcome.

............. Neil

Re: New Member from Foreign Parts

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:23 pm
by Red27
Wow, what a great welcome, thank you everyone! And, I guess it's official if Neil says so, I'm not a northerner after all. Phew!

Bit relieved the camping thing's off the agenda for Stoneleigh, so I guess you're right Mark there's no reason not to join in. But that's for another post on another board. As for the potential benefits of our "similar appearance", what makes you think that's gonna be working to your advantage then... ;)
