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Today i was mostly visiting Folkestone.....

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:01 am
by greenwood03
Well i ummmd and arrrrrrrd last night like a proper pirate. Party invite + beers or be sensible and be able to drive today. Opted for the latter, a bit miffed when after 4 hours kip the engine wouldnt fire. But in the end she started and off i set, trying to catch up the local Caterham Crew who were having a jaunt.
Ended up doing a few roads that were new to me and a few old ones that i hadnt visited for a while - that + the introduction of a new cafe ( entered already Neil ) made for a good run.
Oh i'd better 'fess up before James sticks his oar in......having watched him get a nice slide into a left hand turn i thought i'd replicate it.......managed to park the car neatly at 90 degrees to the road between the 2 banks either side.....great! took 4 turns off lock to get it facing the right way as there wasn't room for to turn.

so come on - who else was playing today?

Re: Today i was mostly visiting Folkestone.....

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:12 am
by davehall
Not me :( but might later :) if the rain stays away :?

Re: Today i was mostly visiting Folkestone.....

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:53 pm
by Tony B
not me either and I'm bloody p*ssed off about it !!, Given the weather forecast I succomed to the demands of Mrs B who keeps reminding me that we need to go shopping before our holiday, "ok" I said knowing that monsoon conditions were forecasted to be on our way.

Well the sun hasnt stopped shining here all day, its brilliant conditions for a blat, roads are perfect but I get stuck in the tintop for an exciting trip to bloody Primark (which wont be on the map!).

Just got home now so might blast it round Ashdown Forest in a minute just to cheer myself up!

90 degrees

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:19 pm
by zxr400
he has mark ,i know how you feel , it happened on the last sun run i seem to recal, to a yellow westi i think, he was old to, um? cabel ties at dawn i think ha ha cheers paul

Re: 90 degrees

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:06 pm
by James
hi Paul, when you read a post use the "Post Reply" button if you want to post in that topic :)

Re: Today i was mostly visiting Folkestone.....

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:31 pm
by James
who me lol... HERE

The black car that joined us at the Cafe is the man i told you about, he has a superlight R also and is a very swift driver... it was really nice to see 3 Superlight R's in convoy quiet rare cars these days with mine being the sloewst out the bunch :(

Re: 90 degrees

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:38 pm
by zxr400
cheers james , its the first site i have been on, thanks all for your patience cheers paul

Re: Today i was mostly visiting Folkestone.....

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:12 pm
by greenwood03
well lets face it Champ, Stephen is a sliver of a man compared to your goodself, and of course you were 2 up ( albeit Becky probably weighs as much as 3 packs of fags ). You certainly peddled quickly after picking me up in Benover. Wasn't sure if you guys were waiting round the next corner for Martin + I, so i held back as i'd managed to get past a few slower cars but Martin had got stymied with no where to overtake....
Have to admit James, that motor of yours is stunning.

Re: 90 degrees

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:38 pm
by James
No worries mate, :)

Re: 90 degrees

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:54 pm
by Nash
Don't worry Paul, I'm having fun trying to link your reply to an original post :D
