Stoneleigh 2022

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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby martin.hewes » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:17 am

Hi all,

Hoping to get there on Monday. Will try to track you down


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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby locost220 » Sun May 01, 2022 6:29 am

All packed up on Friday/Saturday, including having to replace the battery on the Robin Hood as just does not seem to spin as fast as it should considering it had been on charge and had to use a jump pack as well.
Halford discount card save me £18 .
Early start to take partner to work then the Musical cars to free the car from the garage for 6.30 start, parked in the meeting point (new place for me ) and kicking the tyres waiting gfor the rest of the convoy to show up after a last minute fuel top up.
Locost book chassis, Undergoing testing post rebuild :D :?
Robin Hood 2B, keeping me sane
Sylva Leader, stuck to the trailer

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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby locost220 » Mon May 02, 2022 3:06 pm

Well going to post a small review of our weekend incase anyone who did not attend is interested, flicking between devises to load pics so might take me a while..
A few minutes after me, Jason arrived at our start point, followed soon after by Kev, Matt and Neil who was only a stone throw away.

And Neil Son and his girlfriend ( sorry forget their names ) After a bit of a catch up, time for a few pics and chat with walkers admiring the cars we set off a bit after 8 on the itn we had been sent via Matt (thanks again) taking in a mix of motorways and towns, villages including Henly .
Miles come and went with us staying together with no hold up knocking out about 100 miles till we stopped for a fuel stop then a 2 min hop to Regs cafe where everyone undertook of their desire

A little but of silliness as we left for a 20 odd mile cruise to the show, a small bit of drizzle started. we had been moved to the first pitch area on the right hand side so nice and easy to find, Neil was off to his allotted pitch with GBS for the day, whilst we congratulated Jason on making it after a hiccup last year and winter works carried out.
Chris L called to find our new ouch and once he found us we set up camp with Matts gazebo, club banner, flags etc before our first swoop of the show.
Got to be said the 1 1/2 halls in use we a far cry from the 3 -4 in use on years gone by for what ever reason.
Bumped into Barry so him and Chis who will be blating together on Tony B tour later in summer we able to put faces to names.

After a couple of sweeps and a cafe cuppa we wander back to our pitch, meet back up with Matt and Kev to have a spot of lunch and set up tents, pick holes in Chris car.

A few more wanders round the various club pitches and some familiar faces sus out where the band would be for the outside entertainment this year.
Later after Chris left ( did offer spare tent but he had commitments) Jason sorted us out with his food he had prepared and had a few beers and a wander back to the music stand for a few more and a natter to the mix of cover songs or CDs playing.


After the band stopped at 10.30 I was ready for me tent and left the others to put the world to rights, night sleep was ok ish thanks to the SKCC Jacket/blanket combo.
Break fast was sorted thanks to Matt and watching many, many cattle trucks rattling in we packed up the area as Jason left about 10, did a last swoop of the Hakka, seemed a few more people wandering round with the slightly better weather.
Matt had a test fit in the Ant Anstead derived single seated and we had a very nice chat with Ants dad who seemed a nice guy, Matt and Kev kept on swooning over the MK and Cobra related stands resisting the temptation to get their cards out.

We made a move about noon for a 3 hr drive home.
Was it worth it would I go again, certainly much smaller and quieter for any of many possible reasons, always enjoy the SKCC company and hope to do it again next year bigger and better as a show and a club.
See if I can find a few more pics.
Last edited by locost220 on Mon May 02, 2022 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Locost book chassis, Undergoing testing post rebuild :D :?
Robin Hood 2B, keeping me sane
Sylva Leader, stuck to the trailer

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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby martin.hewes » Mon May 02, 2022 4:24 pm

Just home after 6 hours in the saddle. Unfortunately we got caught up in m40 closure this morning. We all sat for 30 mins before being turned around and told the drive the wrong way down the fast lane back (new experience!) to the previous junction to join the mayhem of traffic coming off. The manufacturer stands were good but certainly less nuts and bolts stands than last time I went. Great to see Westfield still providing the entertainment and smell with the drift experience.

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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby Kegco » Mon May 02, 2022 6:30 pm

Great couple of days
And as always Good company, plenty of Banta
Thanks for organising Rich and route master Matt
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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby nelmo » Mon May 02, 2022 8:47 pm

Thanks for the run up guys, sorry to have to go off to the other stand...

My write-up in my blog: ... e.html?m=1

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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby DJ. » Tue May 03, 2022 6:40 pm

Good write ups and photos. Well done for flying the SKCC flag 8-)

I really enjoyed it last year and will try to attend next year.

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Re: Stoneleigh 2022

Postby Jasonmpk » Sun May 08, 2022 2:22 pm

Great write ups guys, I was so amazed at making it there to the show, I forgot to take any pics so thanks for including my car in some of your posts.

I made it back in one piece to get to my mid afternoon first flight in three years and got back this weekend to find out if anything was wrong with my car. Am used to lists of things to change or do ready for another blat out, but so far, all I can find wrong is a bit of the front wing edge protection has started to come away, so at least I've a couple of jobs to do, a bit of glue, a refill of the tank ( I made it back on a single tank !!) a refill of some petrol lead additive and a good clean needed after so many miles in damp conditions and motor way miles , this time though, not as busy or costly as usual !! Happy Days !!!!!


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