Fine Line....

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Fine Line....

Postby greenwoo » Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:14 am

Seems there's a fine line between the measure twice cut once theory and over thinking.

So. My new fuel tank has been sitting in the office for the past weeks ( quite a few), the reason being that i want to level out how it sits in the car. Doing so will make the fuel sender work properly, because with the tank tilted forward it's not 'reading/picking up' the fact that there's 3 galls or so in the tank.
( i'd designed it to show empty at 2 galls).

I figured ages ago when the tank came out that moving the front fixing ( a length of ally angle) down to the bottom of the tank ( 2 inchs'ish) should have the right effect. But i wanted to be sure, and didnt want to do it and have the tank sloping the other way. By now the car was on the ground, surrounded by other odds n sods and single handedly getting it back onto ramps wouldnt be so easy.

Hence the tank sitting in my office, whilst i ruminated ( delayed ) getting the car up and trial fitting the tank to measure again ( and again).
Hands up, i'll admit it, i can walk past the same thing umpteen times and forget its there, so after a while it was just a wrapped parcel in the was only when i'd talk to someone from the club that i;'d think - sod it, must sort that out. Mmm but i want to be sure about the measurements.....

Until, last weekend. When i realised that i was a/ a muppet b/ its poss to over think these things!

Erm, i'll confess, in my quest to get it right i'd overlooked a key factor.....
If i get a new strip of angle welded at the bottom of the tank, i can always pack it out with a spacer above it....because the bloody tank goes in from the bottom. What a prize plum!
So seems that this measure twice malarky is over rated!! :lol:

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Re: Fine Line....

Postby DJ. » Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:57 pm

That will save you some money then :D

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Re: Fine Line....

Postby Wingco » Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:44 pm

Perhaps look at it the other way Mark, you have had it so long, looked at for so long and probably thought about for so long, its bound fit easily !!

Out at the weekend then ??

Best of luck Mark you will be fine.
Mirror, Signal go faster pedal !!

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