weekend run times.

Need help from a fellow owner, something to air - discuss away!

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weekend run times.

Postby bi22le » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:10 am

hi all. As you may all know im new to this scene. After looking through the member's run out posts i noticed that they are all early. I like my sleep and am not often seen in a vertical stance a.m. On any weekend morning. Do people go out much mid day or evening runs?

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Re: weekend run times.

Postby greenwoo » Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:18 am

Wayne, i think you'll find that there's a few around this part of the area ( ie/ near you ) that arent keen on the early starts, we only do it to get some clear roads.....i'll no doubt arrange a late morning lunchtime run over the next weeks.....
But as and when you have the car use this board to shout out for a bit of company. Evenings blast are also good and we'll be doing 1-2 fish n chip runs once the evenings get lighter...

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