Fuel Tank

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Fuel Tank

Postby greenwoo » Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:02 am

Ever start something and wish you hadn't bothered?

That'll be me, umpteen times, somehow I just don't seem to learn. Back in Spring I decided to have a new tank made; 2 birds - 1 stone. Change the way that the tank would sit, so that it wouldn't be so in the face from behind the car, and fit it with an internal swirlpot - cutting out needing the lift pump, and therefore a component that could fail.

Some may remember that the tank arrived about week before the EU trip, after i'd waited 5-6 weeks for it to be made. And, that it didn't have enough flow to run the HP pump direct. Hasty work by Snodhurst got me sorted for the trip, but at the expense of adding the old swirl pot/lift pump again.
Albeit the siting of the new tank looked way way better.

As part of the investigation it turned out that the outlet was a microbe under 4mm ID. Clearly not big enough.
A call to the manufacturer had them telling me that it should have been 5.5mm ( which still seems a tad small), and that they couldn't work out how it could be 4mm.

With one thing and another the tank only went back to them late August. Of course even that wasnt straightforward as it had to go via Tiger and then get picked up - more delays.
Finally it was 'sorted' this past weekend, and i'm told will be couriered later this week for arrival next.

The explanation? Seems that they fitted the wrong stub, apparently one that would normally be a return, and that it should have had a 3/8 outlet with 7.5mm ID. FFS, nigh on 2x the flow capacity of what was there.

Whilst the tank was back with them, I asked if they could move the front mounting point. Changing that would lift the front of the tank and have it slightly more level....the work?
Grind off a length of angle bar, reweld a new piece 2 inches further down....'i'll have to charge you £60, cos it'll prob take 2 hrs'.

Unreal. So admits the original issue was their fault, but not prepared to give a little bit to compensate for the hassle. A bit like ordering steak, being given chicken with a shrug of the shoulders! Another example of cottage industry at its finest....the annoying thing is that the quality of the rest of the work is bang on, neat, tidy.

anyway...with luck and a following wind the tank will arrive by end of next week and by the end of the month as the nights draw in and the cold dank mornings arrive it'll be back on the road :lol:

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Re: Fuel Tank

Postby b33fy » Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:33 am

Pushing your luck asking for modifications!! Fingers crossed it’s sorted now Mark :)
Power.. small nail, fast hammer, Torque.. small nail, big hammer.. I got a big hammer :P

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