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Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 9:03 pm
by greenwoo
Some know that I have been carless for a while - which, given a manic year work wise impacted less than normal.

But now the Tiger is back fitted with a new (crate) zetec engine. It arrived back about a month ago, but until today I hadn't had time to test it out.

Starts on the button and pulls nicely - within the confines of testing it around the lanes as time was again 'short'. Only thing that needs a further check is the fan, as i wasn't sure if it was kicking in. So - all good.

Ugly. Err, the old gal needs a wash and polish. Not my forte at the best of times, but somehow in the next few days she'll be spruced up.

Bad. Its time that someone else had the pleasure of owning it. Running it today through the lanes reminded me why I love these cars, and I know that anything else will be a huge compromise. Hoping to scale back on work and ease into some form of retirement - so makes sense to evaluate cars & toys.
Its time to replace the saab cabrio, so looks like a smaller more nimble cabrio that can ferry Mrs G around in a degree of comfort as well as giving me something for blats & tours - is the way forward.

contenders seem to be MX5/S2000. Decided against an Elise as after soul searching i doubted that i'd grab the keys to pop to the shops ( and although Mrs G said it'd be fine, i can't see her being that enamoured with the ride or folding herself in half to get in/out).

Haven't driven or been in an x5/s2k, so my thesis is from umpteen videos/reports/reviews etc. Concern with the mazda is lack of ooomph for blats, but quite like the idea of the models that have the folding metal roof. Guessing i'd be hoping for one that's been tweaked.
There's one close by that's been turbo'd, but seems a bit strong on the money side - as by my calcs its 6-7k'ish more than a standard one.

S2k would appear to tick the boxes. so soft top vs metal roof. Has the power. But is a few years older than the equiv x5 in £'s. But should likely hold its money better.

Anyhoooooow. Got to prep and sell the Tiger first, and then i need to get busy - fast, as i really want something 'right' to take on Tour in 6 weeks! No pressure then :lol: :lol:

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:18 am
by DJ.
You've had plenty of time to think this over, but it's still a shame you're leaving the kit world.

Although the S2000 has a great engine and gearbox it is too heavy, 1200Kg the same as an early Civic Type R. It also has a reputation for tricky handling on the limit.

The latest MX5 is much more like it, about 1000Kg so closer to a late Elise than the Honda, and with the 180bhp 2 litre I think performance would be ok.

I haven't driven either however.

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:12 am
by greenwoo
but it's still a shame you're leaving the kit world.

its just as likely that in a year or two i may scratch the itch that is 'caterham' :D

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:56 am
by graham b you
know i went the MX5 route after the caterham...
good car as it had an engine upgrade by bbrgti...from 158bhp to 210.
Folding roof .htd seats all nice but it would never keep up with the elise guys..
Bbr have a selection of mx5 cars..turbo & nat aspirated via their own tb's (225bhp).
As a bonus Neil at bbr will buy back your mx5 at a good price PLUS half the cost of any previous upgrades....
dont think that would be available anywhere else.
Turbo versions range from 250 to 305bhp...
Good luck

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:22 pm
by nelmo
Sorry to hear Mark but I can understand... I'm looking forward to my BMW 6 series convertible when I retire ;)

Along those lines, consider a Z4 - lots of choice with more power than the MX5.

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:34 pm
by Wingco
As many have said Mark, it will be a sad day when you sell the Tiger, it was because of you and Tony c who had Tiger R6's that got me to buy a Tiger.
But of course your reasons are more valid than anything else, I hope the sale goes through quick as possible so you can get that other car you want.
I hope Sue is doing okay.

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:14 pm
by greenwoo
@Neil - yeps, i did ponder a Z4/TT etc, but i don't think that they'd be so at home being thrown around a B road.

@Colin; Cheers matey. Yeps, Sue is doing ok - waiting on another Op to remove plates/pins etc as they're causing ( they think) a degree of ain when walking for more than 30-40mins.
Car wise......i will indeed be sad to see it go, nothing will come close to the raw driving experience. Even just driving it down the lanes brought a grin to my face at the weekend - but it is what it is :D

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:20 am
by Flyingtiger
Mark, pm’d you, I think! :? Can you check pls?

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:38 pm
by greenwoo
Hi Mike, as per PM - 'its gone'

Re: Good, Bad, Ugly.....

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 6:33 am
by AshG
Get a Porsche Cayman. Way way better than an MX5 or an S2000. decent looks front and back boot, comfortable on a run, plenty quick if you get a 3.4 or bigger and as reliable as your average hatchback. will hold its value just about better than anything else on the market.