DIY - nope, i just don't get it.

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Re: DIY - nope, i just don't get it.

Postby greenwoo » Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:30 pm

I still don't 'get' the fascination with DIY'ing.

In the past 2 weeks have worked out 4 ways to deal with the sloping floor issues in one of the outbuildings.
Have spoken to 4 people 'in the know', or atleast with far more knowledge than me...and got 4 different answers on the best way. Needless to say that none had any idea about the current additives which (apparently) allow a cement screed to be laid ultra thin. ( my own preferred option).

Have had umpteen trips to wickes to prep/get supplies ready to do the job, obvs because to find out quantities is akin to hacking a Government database. Each time i reckoned i had enough of 'x' i'd find a site on the dark web that put me straight, so more 'gear' needed.

I planned the timetable for today with military (our not the Americans) precision;
2nd cleaning of the existing slab with a wire brush
hoover again
double check
put down a primer solution
put a slurry mix down
knock up the first 2 batches of screed
get laying

Got as far as the coffee when the phone rang; A pal lending me his mixer which he assured me earlier in the week was working fine.
'Sorry mate, the mixer ticks over but when i rev it up it cuts out'

FFS, exactly the question/point i'd made on Tuesday when checking if i could borrow it.
Sooooo. Wasted day, cos too late to hire a mixer, next w/end am likely going to be recovering after a boozy party. No further forward.

As i sipped the coffee i started to dial the number of a builder to come round and do the bloody work. Luckily I came to my senses before punching in the final digit.
What's the frigging point? He'll poo poo my suggestion and the other 4 and come up with some other scheme; I can hear the words;
'SBR', nah mate, never heard of it, we use okey cokey in our mix, it generally works out ok, should do the trick, although if it were me, i'd get a digger in, pull up the existing slab, make a mess of your garden, drink your tea, and lay a new one (forgetting to put down a DPM).....

So. Seems i'm lumbered with doing this 'diy style', but nope, i don't 'get' diy at all!
It just seems to bugger up the few free hours and generally drive me crazy.

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Re: DIY - nope, i just don't get it.

Postby b33fy » Sat Nov 09, 2019 11:29 pm

Okey cokey, nah mate.. woddyacallit is the one you want..
Power.. small nail, fast hammer, Torque.. small nail, big hammer.. I got a big hammer :P

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Re: DIY - nope, i just don't get it.

Postby greenwoo » Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:18 am

:D :D

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